Pastor Culbertson, Store Manager Randy Duncan, Moriah the Comfort Dog and Store Volunteers celebrate the Grand Opening of Goods And Grae located in Casselberry, Florida, a suburb 0f Orlando.

Offering 50% off retail grocery store prices, Goods And Grace is positioned to serve the families of Casselberry and surrounding areas of Orlando, Florida that fall within these income guidelines.

Household size:

Family of 1: Monthly income between $1,460 – $2,244
Family of 2: Monthly income between $1,972 – $3,032
Family of 3: Monthly income between $2,488 – $3,824
Family of 4: Monthly income between $3,000 – $4,616
Larger households – please inquire at the store

Goods And Grace is open three days a week:

Monday: 9am – 4pm
Wednesday: Noon to 7 pm
Saturday: 10 am to 2 pm

Please help us spread the word!

1520 E. Altamonte Dr, Casselberry, FL 32730

Bus Route 113 / Bus Stop #1378

Please enjoy these smiling faces from the Grand Opening!  Thank you to all the amazing volunteers.  From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. Ephesians 4:16 ESV

Goods And Grace -7

This is the recipe made by one of our wonderful volunteers, Michelle, all from items at the store…it’s so so yummy!  Make as entree or smaller for appetizers.  Check back for new recipes!