RegistrationsDEEPER INTO THE ABUNDANT LIFE Deeper Renewal, Renewed Tree of Life. The tree of life appears three times in history. It stands in the original Garden of Eden, and because of the fall, humanity has lost the privilege of eating its life sustaining fruit. It lastly appears in Revelation, and we see not only one tree of life, but rows of trees providing fruit that heals the nations! What about the second appearance? We see the tree grotesquely standing atop Golgotha, bearing not only the weight of our Savior, but all our sins as well. And the fruit of that tree is the very body and blood of our Savior – fruit that brings healing to our souls!
AFTERNOON DIVINE SERVICE | Thursday, September 26th | 1:30pm | Chapel | This service allows participants to remain in their seats, offers communion and is followed by light refreshments. Join us!
4 YEAR OLD MILESTONE | October 2nd, 9th, 16th | Blessing Event: October 20th, 9:30a Generations Gathering in Founders’ Hall | In these sessions our focus is to help you better understand worship. Child care is available. Register Now!
ST. LUKE’S MARRIAGE RETREAT | November 1st-4th | The Shores Resort & Spa, Daytona, FL | If you’ve been married for 6 months or 60 years, our time together will be enriching, uplifting, & valuable. Grow with God, meet new friends, and get to know your Pastor Tige and his wife Sara! Learn more & REGISTER before September 19!
BOOTS, BOWTIES, & BLING GALA | Saturday, October 19th | Heathrow Country Club | Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries helps moms build new lives for their families. Table & Corporate Sponsorships available!
LUTHERANS FOR LIFE 1-DAY CONFERENCE | Join fellow life-minded Lutherans celebrating life and equipping ourselves on life issues during the LFL Regional Conference Southeast at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winter Garden on Saturday, November 9th. This one-day in-person conference features four national life-affirming, Gospel-motivated speakers, as well as fellowship, lunch, and a service opportunity. Limited childcare is available. Come and learn how the Lord calls us to follow Him and be “Life in the Darkness.” Click for details and registration!
ESTATE HOUSE SALE | There will be a household sale at 1968 Outer Circle Dr in the Lutheran Haven on Friday, September 20th from 10am to 1pm. Hope to see you there.
EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS We’ve updated our email subscriptions so you can now subscribe individually to receive them on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday or Friday! If you have unsubscribed from an email address in the past, you may want to login to see if you have opted out from all our emails! Login at and look under Communications – Subscriptions. Or Manage your subscriptions here.
Sunday Worship info available at
- Betty B., Jane B., Joseph B., Doris E., Betty F., John K., Robert M., Peggy P., Lincoln P., Pastor Roberts, Carl R., Megan S., Florence S., Judith W.
- Congratulations on the 68th wedding anniversary of Russ and Doris M.!
Week 9 Weekly Year-To-Date
Budget 58,439 459,143
Actual 49,933 458,453