Sunday, February 9th. RENEW ME O ETERNAL LIGHT: Following Jesus. Sometimes the circumstances of life are not very promising. Then Jesus comes along and asks us to do things that don’t make much sense. After fishing all night and catching nothing, Jesus bids Simon Peter to give it another try. Simon Peter reluctantly obeyed and got the surprise of his life. Jesus doesn’t scold us for our doubts and reluctance to trust him completely. Instead He invites us to follow him and discover a whole new way of life.

Sunday Worship info available at 

Awakening Hearts Quarterly – Issue 2

PASTOR ARP’S RETIREMENT CELEBRATION! | Sunday, March 2nd | noon | Join us to celebrate the ministry of Pastor Arp as he retires! We will meet in the Sanctuary at noon and then gather in the Gym for lunch. Thank you cards available in the church office.

UCF SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA | Saturday, February 15th | 2p in the Sanctuary | An afternoon of romance! Join us for an unforgettable musical performance with the UCF Symphony Orchestra. This year’s theme is “Love and Romance” so be sure to bring your loved ones. Invite your friends to join!

ANNUAL REPORT 2024 What God accomplished at St. Luke’s in the year 2024 is truly amazing! Click HERE to read up on our Annual Report that shows many examples of the Lord working in our midst.

IT’S GIRL SCOUT SEASON! | Sunday, February 23rd | The St. Luke’s Girl Scouts will be visiting us! Pre-order TODAY by clicking HERE and pick them up on Sunday, February 23rd. Need cookies before the 23rd? We deliver! Place your order today and thank you for supporting the St. Luke’s Scouts.

NEW! MONDAY MEN’S HUDDLE | Mondays | 7p | Youth Room | Our Huddles are a chance for men to come together and discuss God’s word while looking at how we can apply it to our lives. Everyone is welcome!

REASON FOR GOD: Defending the Faith Training | Sundays | 11a-noon | Youth Room | This 6-week training will help groups and individuals dig deeper into the objections of the Christian faith and to learn about both sides of the issues. See trailer HERE

SAMARITAN RESOURCE CENTER Through outreach we can help those in our community! Help stock SRC with the resources they need to help the homeless. DONATE an item from their Amazon Wish List TODAY! 

NOMINATING COMMITTEE We’re seeking recommendations for potential candidates to serve on the Board of Directors for our Church and School for the upcoming election. Candidates should be leaders in the church who’ll bring leadership experience and skills to the Board. If you have a recommendation for a potential candidate, please submit names by February 17th to

ST. LUKE’S CHEMO CADDY MINISTRY St. Luke’s Chemo Caddie Ministry has merged with Phil’s Friends to provide Care Packages to those affected by cancer. Cancer is Strong. Hope is stronger. Remind someone with cancer they are not alone. To request a care package click HERE or contact

NAME TAGS Do you have your St. Luke’s member name tag? Please do your best to wear it every Sunday! If you don’t have one, please email and we’ll get one ordered for you.

MISSING OUR EMAILS? You can now subscribe individually to receive our emails (Manage HERE). If you have unsubscribed in the past, login to see if you have opted out from all emails. Login at and look under Communications\Subscriptions.

Weekly Event Calendar



  • Nancy A., Kathy B., Leonard C., Asako C., Dennis G., Virderie K., Dan M., Pastor Brian R., Megan S., Barb Z.


  • Eileen B. and family at the death of her husband, Michael.


  • In memory of Doris Pipkin’s heavenly birthday.


Week 30         Weekly           Year-To-Date

Budget        56,000              2,035,576

Actual          44,754             1,787,428