Sunday Worship Information

Renew Me, O Eternal Light
Sunday, February 9 – Following Jesus
Sometimes the circumstances of life are not very promising. Then Jesus comes along and asks us to do things that don’t make much sense. After fishing all night and catching nothing, Jesus bids Simon Peter to give it another try. Simon Peter reluctantly obeyed and got the surprise of his life. Jesus doesn’t scold us for our doubts and reluctance to trust him completely. Instead He invites us to follow him and discover a whole new way of life.
Prepare for worship with these scriptures:
- *Sanctuary: 8a (Traditional), 9:30a & 11a (Blended)
- Founders’ Hall: 9:30a Generations, 11a Fuel (Contemporary)
- *Lutheran Haven: 9:30a (Traditional)
- *Chapel 7pm (Traditional)
(*Communion: Prepare for the Lord’s Supper by clicking HERE)
Traveling or can’t get to worship? WATCH Online
- Family Junior Confirmation | 9a | MR 1&2
- Be! Bible Study | 9:30a | Cafe
- Men’s Huddle | 9:45a | Mtg Rm 4
- Reason for God : Defending the Faith Training | 11a | Youth Room
- HSY | 12:30p | Youth Room
- Coffee Fellowship | Sunday | 8:30a-1p | Cafeteria
- Church Library | Sunday | 9-11a | Founders’ Hall
Remember to wear your name tag!
Enter your Attendance with one of the options below:
- Membership Software (Enter the whole family at once!)
- Online Form
- Text 833-365-1333