A WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! The New Member Class, Explorations, is an opportunity to explore life and its meaning from a Lutheran perspective. It is a place to ask questions about the chief teachings of the Christian Faith as they are believed, confessed, and taught in the Lutheran Church. The course is relaxed, non-threatening, and fun. The classes are for individuals who do not have a church home and serve as a refresher for those with a Lutheran background.

OVERVIEW Standing completely apart and distinct from all other religions is Christianity. Christians believe that God reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—a one-of-a-kind, tri-personal being, powerful and majestic, who humbles Himself to become a man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, in order to rescue the human race both from the trouble and mess the world is in and from an eternity of despair.

In this course we will study the unique understanding of God and His relationship to us and the world as believed, taught, and expressed in Christianity. To summarize the Christian faith, it is helpful to think of it in four acts or movements: Creation > Fall > Redemption > Restoration. Think about it: all great stories follow this basic pattern.


Explorations classes start twice a year (August & January). We meet on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in our Family Life Center Café. We also offer an online Explorations class for those who can’t make it in person.

  • To Register for In-Person Class click HERE
  • To Register for Online Class click HERE (This class is currently full. Join our In-Person class or check back with us in August, 2024)

DID YOU MISS A CLASS? We understand that life happens and you might be unable to attend one of the new member classes. We encourage you to watch the video of a missed class. Feel free to share the videos with friends and family as you continue through the class. Click HERE to view classes.

A quick look at our new member Explorations class. 

Join us for Worship

Sundays, 8, 9:30, & 11am and Mondays, 7pm