What would your life look like if you dove deeper into discipleship?  This season of Pentecost, we’ll spend time in a five part mini-series that invites us to explore greater depths of faith. Whether you’re soaking in the shallows, or already in deep waters, we’ll push out even further to follow Jesus and discover the abundant life that he has waiting for us!  

May 19 – As we gather on Pentecost Sunday, our Pastors will talk to us about AWAKENING HEARTS to move deeper into an abundant life. Jesus opens the minds of his disciples to understand the Scriptures and then clothed them with power from on high. He does the same for us today! His Holy Spirit reveals his Word to us, awakening our hearts and then empowers our service in his Kingdom by increasing our faith and equipping us for every good work. This is not just for people of a certain age, but every generation joins together in this mission.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

WHAT IS PENTECOST? The word “Pentecost” comes from the Greek word pentekostos which means “fiftieth.” Exactly 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the form of flames of fire.  Read more about it in Acts 2.

WEEKLY AWAKENING QUESTION: How is God awakening your heart to hear his word, repent, and respond in service?

May 26 – Deeper Freedom: Freely Called. Paul’s calling looked unique from that of the other Apostles. But it was nonetheless just as authoritative and divinely ordained. His previous life and behavior certainly did not merit his calling, but God selected him purely out of his abundant grace. We, too, are called by God to serve as his voice in this world, not because of any merit on our part, but freely by his grace.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

WEEKLY AWAKENING QUESTION: What has “true gospel” empowered you to do in your life?

June 2 – Deeper Freedom: Freely Justified Our life of freedom comes through the process of justification. We are set free to live abundant lives for Christ not because of how well we live by the letter of the law, but because of faith. Through faith, it is Christ who lives in us and it is his righteousness that shines freely in our lives, and we are to let that light grow brighter day by day.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: Will you stay in the jail cell or come out to enjoy your freedom?

June 9 – Deeper Freedom, Freely Redeemed. Jesus works an incredible transformation of freedom in the lives of believers. We’re cursed because of our sin, yet he took on our curse at the cross and bought our freedom. We’re redeemed by Jesus to live transformed lives of freedom. Let God deepen the impact of our redemption and freely live out our faith.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: Being freely redeemed, how can you show love to others?

June 16thDeeper Freedom, Freely Loving. Called, justified, and redeemed, you are set free by Christ! But what will you do with that freedom? Paul teaches that the best use of our freedom is not in pursuing selfish desires, but freely loving and serving one another. How will you grow in your love and service towards one another, or your neighbors, or your enemies?

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: How will explore and grow your freedom to love this week?

June 23rd – Deeper Freedom, Freely Walking. Do you talk the talk? That’s good. But do you walk the walk? Engaging our faith in the Christian walk is to follow the steps of Christ – to live as he did. Here’s the catch – don’t hear this as words of law, which leads to failure and discouragement. Instead, these are words of Gospel encouragement – we are free to walk as Christ did! We are freely given the fruit of the Spirit to live in new and Christlike ways!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: What portion of the Spirit’s fruit would you like to grow?

June 30th – Deeper Freedom, Freely Restoring. It is so tempting to be quick to anger and slow to forgive. Yet Jesus frees us from our old ways and moves us into new ways of relating with one another. Paul teaches us to restore relationships with a spirit of gentleness. How can we grow deeper in our compassion for one another and seek to restore our brothers and sisters? 

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

July 7th – Deeper Joy, Joyful Prayer. Consider your prayer life, how would you describe it using only one word? Sparse, complaining, robust, continual, requests, praise, adoration? What about joyful? Paul is joyful as he remembers his prayers concerning the church in Philippi. How might you be intentional about sharing your joys with God this week? 

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

July 14th – Deeper Joy, Joyful Suffering. It may seem counterintuitive to be joyful in the midst of suffering. Yet that is exactly what Paul encourages us to do. As we stand firm in the Spirit, we can grow in how we respond to the challenges that life presents us. As we dive deeper into discipleship, the world will see our witness through our joyful response to the gospel of Christ!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

July 21st  – Deeper Joy, Joyful Lights. Is your joy visible to those around you? The light of Christ shines in and through you as he empowers you to will and to work for his good pleasure. As we dive deeper into a life of joy, let your light shine brightly. Think of your joy as a light set on a dimmer switch – let’s turn up the brightness as we let our light shine in the darkness of the world!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

July 28 – Deeper Joy, Joyful Goals. Goals give us something to strive for. We train and practice, prepare and plan, execute and celebrate! It takes great intentionality – no one ever accomplishes a goal by mistake or by sitting on a couch. Our goal as followers of Jesus is to be in a life-altering relationship with him that leads to salvation and life everlasting, dressed in the righteousness of our savior! It is by his strength and power that this happens, though we joyfully press on and strain ahead until the day when Jesus transforms us fully and completely!
Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:
August 4th  – Deeper Joy, Joyful Minds. Our minds can be filled with all kinds of stressors and pressures. According to the National Institute of Health, 1 in 4 struggle with a mental health disorder. Paul reminds us not to be anxious about anything. We are to grow in joy as we pray and give thanks to God, and he will guard our hearts with surpassing peace.
Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

August 11th – Deeper Joy, Joyful Contentment.  The entire role of marketing is to create and sustain a sense of wanting – and increase it to a felt need to have more. Yet Paul teaches us the art of contentment, and shares that we can experience this contentment regardless of our circumstances. We can be content in times of plenty and in times of scarcity. In Christ, we have all we need, and we can do all things through him who gives us strength!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

August 18th: Deeper Renewal, Renewed Love.  Do you remember your first love? What do you treasure most? It is so easy to let our love for God take a back seat to our love for things of this world. John’s recorded words in Revelation show us our need to return to our first love – a love for God and a fervent love for our Christian brothers and sisters. Jesus calls us into a deeper love with him that changes everything.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

August 25th: Deeper Renewal, Renewed Song. Have you ever had a tune stuck in your head? A song that you couldn’t stop repeating? Sometimes those songs are catchy tunes that make you smile, and other times those tunes are a sad melody that resonates with a memory of loss. But at the victory of the Lamb of God, a new song springs forth, that praises Jesus for his sacrifice that brings us victory! Join your voices in this new song as we dive deep into renewal!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

September 1st: Deeper Renewal: Renewed Celebration. Wedding receptions are incredible times of celebration! Family and friends from all over gather to share in a party that celebrates marriage and new beginnings full of hope and promise. The food, drinks, cheers, dancing, and gifts all point to something special and extraordinary. When Jesus returns, the greatest wedding party in the history of the world will be shared by all believers. As Christ, the bridegroom, is forever married to his bride, the Church. Let the party begin!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

September 8th: Deeper Renewal: Renewed Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is the world put right, right here and right now, by faith in Christ, until he comes again to make the change permanent. When Jesus comes again, His Kingdom will be beyond imagination. The former things of mourning, crying, and pain will be no more!  Life in heaven brings us encouragement for the difficulties we face now. We don’t need to wait for the return of Jesus to enjoy the Kingdom of God. He’s at work today renewing His Kingdom, and He longs to use you to accomplish it! 

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

September 15th: Deeper Renewal: Renewed Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is no longer a city located in Israel, but the church of all the saints joined together as the bride of Christ!  We’re made new. All our sins are washed away. All consequences of our sin long forgotten.  By the grace of God we’re made ready for everlasting life in relationship with our Savior and Lord!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

September 22nd: Deeper Renewal. Renewed Tree of Life.  A tree of life appears three times in the Bible. The first stands in the Garden of Eden, and because of the fall, humanity lost the privilege of eating its life sustaining fruit. A tree of life also appears in Revelation. It produces twelve fruits and the leaves of this tree provide healing to the nations! What about the second appearance? We see the tree grotesquely standing atop Golgotha, bearing the weight of our Savior and all of our sins as well. The fruit of that tree is the very body and blood of our Savior – fruit now available to us that brings healing to our souls!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

September 29th: Deeper Sacrifice. Vocational Sacrifice. Today we enter into the last part of our summer long sermons series: Deeper Into the Abundant Life. Of all the marks of discipleship we’ve been exploring — Freedom, Joy, Renewal and Sacrifice. Sacrifice is surely the most challenging. Sacrifice we will discover is a whole life commitment to the kingdom of God, the world put right, that Jesus ushered in and calls us to follow him. 

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

October 6th – Deeper Sacrifice, Generous Life. What would your life look like if you dove deeper into discipleship? This season of Pentecost, we will spend time in five brief mini-series that invite us to explore greater depths of faith. Whether you are soaking in the shallows, or already in deep waters, we will push out even further to follow Jesus and discover the abundant life that he has waiting for us! 

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

October 13th –  Deeper Sacrifice, Sacrificial Labor. The acronym LIFE is a helpful way to think about our living sacrifice of generosity. L = Labor, I = Influence, F = Finances, and E = Experience. We’ll take each topic the next four weeks beginning with Labor. God designed us for fruitful and meaningful work. Although the brokenness of this world often robs us of the joy of our labor, Jesus invites us to come to him, to be refreshed when we’re weary and heavy laden. 

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship:

October 20th – Deeper Sacrifice: Sacrificial Influence. The acronym LIFE is a helpful way to think about our living sacrifice of generosity. L = Labor, I = Influence, F = Finances, and E = Experience. Today we explore the “I” in LIFE. Influence is rooted in relationships. Our life of sacrifice reveals itself in the time invested to initiate and nurture relationships with family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and even strangers in which we intentionally bear witness to our faith in Jesus.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for worship: