Transfer the Blessing
You may live until 125, but today is still a good day to make an estate plan!
St. Luke’s is providing its members, attendees and school families the Transfer the Blessing Ministry FREE of charge and obligation. There will never any obligation to include St. Luke’s in your plans. We simply believe it is our responsibility to encourage you to grow in your love and walk with the Lord through your generosity. He has given you all the things you need, and none of the things you have can be taken to Heaven. Therefore, we encourage you to make a plan that carries out the desires the Lord has given you for what He has entrusted to you.

Why Should I Have an Estate Plan?
The benefits are numerous when creating an estate plan. First is the opportunity to practice true generosity and Christian stewardship. This is done in joyful response to what the Lord has done for you. Second, it allows you to make the very best gifts to family and ministry. You can rest assured knowing that your wishes will be honored and that your earthly assets will be passed on in a way that adheres to your desires and is helpful to those people and organizations you hold most dear. Finally, our expert gift planning counselors show you how to make best use of tax laws and wealth transfer principles that maximize what you share with others and minimize what is eaten up in taxes and probate fees.

Why Use this Ministry Service?
- Because you desire to ensure your loved ones and favorite charities are cared for after the Lord calls you home to Heaven.
- Because you know that having a plan is good Christian stewardship.
- Because you wish to be certain that your generosity goals from your life will continue after you are in Heaven.
- Because St. Luke’s is offering this ministry at no charge or obligation to you.
To take the first step or for questions, please contact our Stewardship Director, Doug Taylor at or
407-365-3408 x3006. May the Lord bless you today.

We have partnered with the gift planning division of the LCMS Foundation. More information about them can be found here: LCMS Foundation