At St. Luke’s, we offer opportunities for reflecting, thinking and feeling in the context of Christian learning that bring us closer to a deep, personal relationship with Christ. These communities of learning foster ongoing spiritual growth, deeper relationships and a yearning for more. All to develop a deep abiding sense of God’s presence and activity that shows itself in all aspects of life. We welcome you to join a class today. For online bible studies create an account with RightNow Media by clicking HERE.

BE! WOMEN’S MINISTRY We encourage women to ‘Belong, Believe, & Become!’ the women God created them to be. Through scheduled events and bibles studies, we pray women in the congregation and community will grow in their faith and form relationships that last a lifetime. Questions? Email
- Tuesdays, 6:30pm
- Wednesdays, 10:45am
- Thursdays, 9am
- Sundays at 9:30am

Lighthouse College Ministry is for college age adults seeking Christ-centered options for social events. Instagram collegelighthouse407
Meetups every Wednesday, 7:45am for Bible Study & fellowship in the Youth Room. Invite a friend!

FAITH ON TAP is a group focused on fellowship for adults in their mid 20’s to 30’s. They meet every other Tuesday night at 7pm. Grab a drink, talk to someone you may not know, and grow in your faith!
Check our Facebook page for details.
Ready to connect or have questions? Email

THE MEN OF ST. LUKE’S MINISTRY In our Weekly Huddles you will find good times and a safe place for exploring who God created us to be as men, disciples, husbands, fathers, and brothers. Questions? Email
For more information visit: OR follow us on Facebook
- Sundays 9:45am | Bible Study: Ephesians
- *NEW* MONDAY MEN’S HUDDLE Let’s gather starting Monday, January 20th | 7pm | Youth Room. Our huddles are a chance for men to come together and discuss God’s word while looking at how we can apply it to our lives. Everyone is welcome whether you are a bible expert or a bible beginner!!
- Wednesdays 10:45am | Bible Study: Genesis
- Saturday, April 5th | Starts: 5:30p | Register Today! Bring your own steak, side, chips, and snack. Don’t forget your camping chair and your drinks!
RightNow Media gives you access to thousands of online Christian resources at the click of a button. Sign up here for access or text STLUKESLC to 49775
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church is on the Jesus Adventure. Our goal is to articulate a clear path to discipleship. To teach what it means to be a disciple and what it looks like to follow Jesus in our very rapidly and radically changing culture. Fewer and fewer Americans see Christianity as a valuable and relevant way of life. Spirituality is tolerated as long as it is kept private. This small group study, based on the Jesus Adventure teaching, is intended to help you navigate this changing landscape with the support and encouragement of your fellow followers. It’s our prayer that the Jesus Adventure pattern: Called → Equipped → Sent → and Restored will become an intentional method for you and your group to think about in your life. To join a group contact Rhonda in the church office at 407-365-3408
This weekly bible study is held at the Lutheran Haven Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Come early and have dinner at The Landings at the Lutheran Haven starting at 5:30pm. RSVP to for more information.
Meet kindred book lovers on the second Saturday of the month starting at 10:00am. Fiction or nonfiction, paperback or hardcover, you’ll read and discuss two books every month. If you have any questions email
Make new friends with other ladies from St. Luke’s through the Lunch Bunch Group. Try a different restaurant every month on the first Wednesday of the month. Car pool from the north church parking lot at 10:30am. If you have any questions email