Children: Faith Milestones
Welcome to Faith Milestones! Milestones are designed for parents and children to learn and grow together in Christ. When children grow, they reach milestones along the way. They learn to crawl, speak, etc. The same is true spiritually and these deserve to be celebrated! These faith milestones include: baptism, confirmation, learning to worship, serve and read the Bible. Take one of our classes (no more than three sessions) to learn how to incorporate faith into their daily lives at home. After completion, parents with their kids are welcome to take part in a blessing event during our Generations worship service.

BAPTISM is one very special way God delivers the blessings Jesus has won for us! In baptism, God pours out His grace and His Spirit on us “ that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life” (Titus 3:7). One of our pastors is ready to meet with you! To learn more email or call 407-365-3408.
Next class: December 7, 2024

AGE 3: MY FIRST PICTURE BIBLE In this class, parents will learn how to talk about God and matters of the faith with their child, create an environment that invites God to be constantly present and how to pray more effectively with their little one. Participants meet for one hour on three consecutive Wednesday evenings followed by a Sunday morning worship service blessing event. Childcare is available.
Dates for the 3 year Old Milestone are September 4th, 11th, & 18th, 2024.

AGE 4: WORSHIP In these sessions, parents learn to: better understand worship, use tools that enhance their child’s worship, have effective devotions with their child and speak a blessing while presenting a Worship Kit. Participants meet for one hour on three consecutive Wednesday evenings followed by a Sunday morning worship service blessing event. Childcare is available.
Dates for 4 Year Old Milestone are October 2nd, 9th, & 16th, 2024.

KINDERGARTEN SERVICE In these sessions, parents learn to have effective devotions with their kindergartener, teach their child to serve as Jesus served, teach money management and giving, and speak a blessing while presenting a towel and basin. Participants meet for one hour on three consecutive Wednesday evenings followed by a Sunday morning worship service blessing event. Childcare is available.
Dates for the Kindergarten Service Milestone are Jan 22, 29, & Feb 5, 2025

2ND GRADE In these sessions, parents and children learn to have family devotions together, use the Bible in personal devotions, and better understand how to use the Bible. Participants meet for one hour on three consecutive Wednesday evenings followed by a Sunday morning worship service blessing event. Childcare is available.
Dates for the 2nd grade milestone are October 23, 30, & Nov 6, 2024

5TH GRADE: PARENT/CHILD RETREAT Father/Son Retreat: Designed to help 5th grade boys and their fathers discuss what it means to be a man from the Biblical perspective. Mother/Daughter Retreat: Designed to facilitate mom-daughter conversations, encourage future openness between mom and daughter, and direct girls to take their cues about beauty and personal value from God’s Word.
Dates for 5th Grade Retreat are Nov 22 & 23, 2024

FAMILY CONFIRMATION This class (2 Sessions: 6wks in the Fall and 6wks in the Spring) is designed for students to explore and affirm the faith they previously received at baptism. Students in 7-8th grades with their families will be led through an experiential learning process covering God’s Word and Lutheran doctrine. Confirmation is formatted to give families the tools to take what is learned in class back home for an in depth conversation and encouragement that will impact their faith for a lifetime.

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION What does it take to help your son or daughter leave high school and enter adult life with a steadfast faith? We invite parents and high school seniors to our Graduation Milestone class to learn how to build a faith that endures long beyond graduation. Childcare can be available.
High School Graduation Milestone class is Thursday, February 6, 2025.

FIRST COMMUNION Families of students in 6th-8th grade are invited to a one day class on the Lord’s Supper and invite them to the Lord’s Table for the first time! This marks the beginning of the confirmation experience which typically starts in the 7th grade. If you think your student isn’t quite ready to take part in the Lord’s Supper at this time you are welcome to wait until the following year, or at the Rite of Confirmation.
First Communion class will be April 12, 2025