Journey to the Cross. Life is a journey. It’s filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows. As followers of Jesus, we are continually taking steps toward the transformed lives that our Father has designed for us. This Lenten season, we journey with Jesus to be more like him. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, and motivated by the love of our Savior, we journey to the cross, and we witness the power of our God to save, redeem, and restore!
March 5th – Ash Wednesday: Journey of Righteousness
March 9th – Journey of Temptation. We journey through life tip-toeing through temptation of all kinds. While it is true that Jesus provides an excellent example of how to use the powerful Word of God to fend off temptation, the real power of this event is the first round of the great battle between Jesus and the enemy. At the end of this round, Jesus is victorious, sinless, and on course for his life-saving Journey to the Cross, where his victory is made complete.
Use these scripture to prepare for worship:
March 16th. Journey of Rebellion. The United States was born out of rebellion. Rebellion is in our DNA, but not because of the Boston Tea Party. It is a part of our lives because of the fall. It is our very nature to rebel. Our lifetime of rebellion did not keep Jesus from his Journey to the Cross, it fortified his desire to forgive and restore. Today, Jesus points to his triumphant return to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
Use these scripture to prepare for worship: