Jesus is always a reason to Celebrate. He has risen from the dead, he is reigning at the right hand of God and he is coming back to bring the party at the end of all time. In the struggles of life sometimes we forget that we are waiting for the party. No matter how difficult life may become, we are here on earth to pre-game, or celebrate the pre-party until Jesus returns. In that day we know that our struggles and sorrows will fall away completely.

Celebration is our response to a God who fills our lives with Joy.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

At VBS K-5 2024 we get to celebrate God with our little ones ALL week!

June 2: Celebrate through Generations

Watch a child open a present. You might see them shaking with excitement and anticipation. You will probably see a smile that the child can’t hold back if they tried. You might hear squeals of delight, giggling, or maybe even dancing. They don’t worry about who will judge their response. The joy just comes out of them. Children know how to celebrate. This is one of the gifts of vacation bible school. When these children meet Jesus they meet someone who doesn’t promise a moment of joy, but an eternal life of joy with him. This week at vacation bible school St. Luke’s introduces children to Jesus again, but we also learn from these children to celebrate our God. Look around you and watch how children are celebrating in worship, and throughout the week. Celebrate God as fearlessly as a child.

Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength …Psalm 8:2

June 9: Celebrate in the Struggle

But what if I don’t feel like celebrating? It happens. Sometimes the circumstances of life get us down. Through the treatments, the strain on our relationships, or the strain on our work life we don’t always want to rejoice. But Scripture never tells us to rejoice in our circumstances. It challenges us to rejoice in our Lord and his promises. What struggle are you going through this week? You don’t need to praise God for the struggle, but maybe you could praise him in the middle of it. I think you will be surprised by how it might change your perspective. His promises are still true. The party is still coming. Make time to celebrate in the struggle this week.

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say- rejoice!  Philippians 4:4

Our sister Megan celebrating with her munchkin despite a slow recovery from brain surgery.


June 16: Celebrate with Your Church

What if your best friend got elected president of the United States of America, threw a huge party for everyone he loves and invited you to join him? Would you go? Of course you would! Even if he lived miles away, you would try to be there. That’s exactly what Jesus does every Sunday. He is reigning at the right hand of God. He is throwing a party with music, and sometimes food for everyone to celebrate the fact that he has power, and with him in charge our world will be a better place. Worship is where we pregame for the party that Jesus is bringing. Spend time in worship this week and celebrate who Jesus is.

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people… Acts 2:46-47a

June 23rd: Celebrate Your Story. 

Your team is down one score at the end of the game. The crowd is on the edge of their seats waiting for a score. When it happens, the crowd goes wild. We all love a good comeback, but sometimes we forget that we all live a good comeback too. At least, if we live with Christ, we do. We were as good as dead in our sin. We were enemies of God, running away from his will for our lives until God brought us to faith in him. Jesus brought us back to life, awakened our hearts, and brought us into his family. We celebrate coming from dead men to princes and princesses who reign under the power of Christ. Ask a trusted friend to share how they came to faith in Jesus this week, share your comeback story, and then celebrate what God has done. 

And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.  Luke 15:23-24

June 30: Celebrate through Song

Paul and Silas were in trouble. They had been put in prison as those who disturb the peace, and in the era of Pax Romani, that is not a popular thing to do. Punishments for disturbing the peace were severe. They were sitting on the inside of the jail, the most high security part of the prison. But instead of panicking, they were singing. And all the prisoners were listening to them. We can only imagine how that would have changed the mood for the prisoners. What would it look like if you were singing in your community? What if you praised God when you took out the trash. What if you sang hymns when you were cleaning out the fridge at your work? This week, spend time memorizing a hymn, and sing it out in your home and community!

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.  Acts 16:25

Here’s a worship song that brings us a lot of joy!