Here is an update on the work of one of our Catalyst Small Group Bible Studies:
- We had event #1 (BBQ & Bingo) a couple of months ago at Samaritan Resource Center – great time – served over 40. Menu = hamburgers, hotdogs, coleslaw, baked beans, desert and drinks.
- We had event #2 (last month) – BBQ & Bingo – served 45.
- We had event #3 (this past Saturday) – served 39. Changed it up a little – Sloppy Saturday (Sloppy Joes, potato salad, tossed salad, brownies and sodas/water).
- We have spent approximately $955 of a St. Luke’s grant to date. Some of it was for 1 time purchases – i.e. yard games, Bingo, Bibles, wrist bands, etc. Some are multi use items (bulk) – i.e. plates, napkins, cups, etc.
- We have had Bingo with prizes (McD gift cards and things that can be used at a homeless site – i.e. personal wipes, flashlights, batteries, hygiene items, etc.), yard games, dancing, and fellowship.
- We begin and end with prayer and we try to visit with each person for as long as we can. We make an effort to engage in the Gospel, but do not push. Some of the clients engage us in seeking the Good News.
- We split up the work load. Two couples plan the menu and assign tasks for each event. We all serve … and interact.
- Our goals were four-fold.
- Share our Time, Talents, and Treasures. Striving to be Radically Generous.
- Demonstrate the LOVE of Christ by Coming Alongside (Jesus Adventure) others in effort to intentionally get to know them. Our main tools – meeting them where they are, feeding them, and listening.
- Create awareness within SLLCS for this ministry.
- Grow in our Stewardship Roles (from the video series) – Loving, Leading, Living.
- Finally, in striving to Create Awareness within SLLCS, we have:
- spoken to the LWML (Annette and the director)
- had LERT come out to do some work on site (thank you!)
- engaged the help of Vicar Matthew and his wife Amy (thank you!)
- had guests come to tour and assist (Brian Doyle and Gary Klebaum)
- set up a future visits (coffee and donuts) from our pastors (thank you Pastor Sam and Pastor Arp)
It has been a lot of work, but I can honestly say that we (Kim, Nancy, Bob, Michele, Tim, Dawn, Annette, and Stephen) are the true benefactors. It has been rewarding in ways that we could not have predicted.
We hope to continue throughout the summer – as we work around the heat and a few vacationing members of our team.
It is our hope to engage others to help us carry this mission on even longer.