Rev. Dr. Tige Culbertson Accepts Divine Call
as Senior Pastor
We thank the Lord for His continued guidance for our congregation and that Pastor Tige Culbertson has accepted our call to be Senior Pastor. Pastor Culbertson served his vicarage at St. Luke’s in 1999-2000 and then accepted the call to be our Pastor in 2019. He has served in team ministry with Pastor Arp, Pastor Roberts and Pastor Elliott and was a leader of our Strategic Planning team. Pastor Arp expressed his desire in early 2022 to see the ministry of St. Luke’s transition smoothly in the coming years and a committee was formed to begin the call process. Pastor Tige will be installed during our worship services on Sunday, March 5th.
After his installation, the official transition process will begin. Pastor Tige and Pastor Arp will switch offices. Pastor Tige will begin to handle more of the administrative duties of the Senior Pastor as he works with the staff and Board of Directors. Pastor Arp will begin stepping away from those duties and will pick up other duties of the team as needed. Sunday worship, Bible classes and all of the other activities will proceed as usual.
When Pastor Arp arrived in 1998, St. Luke’s had 2317 baptized members and 1755 of those were adult confirmed members. Today, St. Lukes has 4261 baptized and 3424 confirmed members. School enrollment was about 400 in 1998 and today stands at 571 with another 254 in preschool. After Pastor Rossow’s retirement, Pastor Roberts was called in early 2000 and Pastor Schuscke was called 3 months later. Pastors Abel, Elliott, Thompson, and Shick have all been part of our pastoral team.
Our Pastors know that we are preaching a changeless Christ to a changing world. Our congregation is stepping out to awaken the hearts of those who do not know their Savior. This congregation can help them know that the Lord offers them a life of freedom, joy, sacrifice and renewal. We pray that this transition of our Senior Pastor role gives glory to God now and for future generations.
Please join us for installation on Sunday March 5th in the sanctuary at the 8am and 9:30am services or in Founders’ Hall at the 11am service. A luncheon will follow in the new gym at noon.