Growing Faith in Summertime!
Isn’t it mind boggling how much kids grow over the summertime? Maybe it’s the extra rest and soaking in all that sunshine and fresh air. They shoot up like wildflowers! Whatever it is, we’ve ALL worked hard this school year and a nice break from early morning and after school routines is in order. Let our faith grow this summer like those wildflowers. Here’s a few ideas to grow in your faith with your kiddos this summer:
See the light, be the light. At school, church, and home we’re surrounded and encouraged by the light of Jesus Christ. When we go out into the world, sometimes it can be filled with darkness. When we focus on His light, something amazing happens. It grows! It spreads and illuminates the darkness. You can share the light through your smile, your words, and your attitude when you’re in the light and darkness. If your light goes out, focus on it again by coming to church, reading the bible, praying, going to youth group or vacation bible school, and listening to praise music. “See the Light…Be the Light” based on John 8:12.

Faith on the Go! Vacation plans have you away Sunday? Visit a sister church by using our global directory, Remember our five services are available online every Sunday at .
Pray daily. Taking even five minutes to talk with your kids at bedtime can help you connect, you can ask them what’s on their hearts, and then pray about it.
“Lord God, thank you for this time together to share our hearts. Tomorrow is a big first day at camp. When we get nervous, help us to remember you. Help us to be a friend, have fun, and bring us home safe. Please protect us and give us good rest tonight. We love you. Amen!”
Schools out so let those lazy days of summer begin and may God’s love grow in your heart forever!
If you have summer God sightings you’d like to share, please email