There is a lot of exciting news as the work of the Gospel continues in Honduras. A new parsonage and open-air education building have been completed and work on the church sanctuary has begun. Pastor Martinez and his wife Rosa continued their work through the pandemic and were able to resume worship starting on the First Sunday in Advent. Deacon Tulio Mez continues to serve our second mission site in Comayaguela (a suburb of the capital city, Tegucigalpa). A special thank you to Faith Viera Lutheran Church in Rockledge FL for their work in the construction in La Paz. In both La Paz and Comayaguela, the congregations saw growth as they provided for both the spiritual and physical needs of those around them.
After several years of work, the official Lutheran Church of Honduras now exists as all of the documentation required by the Honduran government to establish a recognized and legal synodical church body has been approved. This step removes many hurdles that have continued to make life difficult for the church. Please pray that the Gospel continues to reach the hearts of the Honduran people.
There are currently four LCMS congregations who are providing for the churches in these two locations and the opportunities are numerous to grow the church in Honduras. Click here to read more about missions in Honduras. If you or your church would like to support the mission work in Honduras please contact Pastor Brian Roberts at for more information.