March 31st – POWER TO AWAKEN FAITH.  Alarms wake us from our slumber. Mary, Mary, and Salome walked to the tomb this morning in a haze of grief and sorrow. But an alarming sight of a stone that was rolled away and a heavenly message of the resurrection roused them fully awake! The same message of resurrection interrupts our sleepy lives of sorrow and stress and awakens a faith that leads us to a brand new day full of hope and promise!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for next weekend’s worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: How does Jesus entry into your life change your attitude this week?

April 7th – THE POWER TO BELIEVE.  Doubts and worries fill our world today. In the days after the resurrection, it was no different for the disciples. Locked behind closed doors, the disciples hid in fear. Jesus revealed himself to them, breathed on them, and gave them the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is ours today, too, and he works the same power to believe in the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. This account in the Gospel was written so that we may read and hear the good news, and by hearing it, we may believe and have life in his name!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for next weekend’s worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: How will you use the power of the resurrection to overcome your doubt and fear this week?

April 14th – THE POWER TO UNDERSTAND  “I just don’t get it.” This world can be very confusing. And that confusion can lead to doubts and confusion that can be downright terrifying! But the resurrection power of Jesus meets us where we are in our confusion and opens our minds to understanding God’s Word, including all of his promises. These promises give us a clear hope for tomorrow and a real power of wisdom for life today.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for next weekend’s worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: How does Jesus work understanding in you?

April 21st –  THE POWER THAT PROTECTS This world is filled with danger. The enemy is always at work to steal, kill, and destroy. But we have a Good Shepherd who has called us by name, who has laid down his life for us, and who is victorious over every danger, even death itself! Our Good Shepherd calls us, cares for us, and charges us with calling others who do not yet know him. In our work to call others from the dangers of the world, we work under the powerful protection of our Good Shepherd.

Use the following scriptures to prepare for next weekend’s worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: Are you resting in His protection or are you restless?

April 28th –  THE POWER TO ABIDE. Do you ever feel distant from others? What about from God? Because of the resurrection, our Savior now abides with us, and we abide in him. Abiding in our Savior, we have access to his life bringing power. Our lives are intimately connected to his own life. Because he abides in us, we receive his resurrection power that sustains us and causes us to bear good and bountiful fruit!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for next weekend’s worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: What is your favorite way to abide with Jesus?

May 5th –  ABIDE IN LOVE.  Love is often misunderstood, taken for granted, and rarely recognized. It is viewed as a commodity that we want, look for in all the wrong places, and take. But our misunderstanding of love keeps us from encountering the most powerful love of all, the love of our Savior. Jesus loves us perfectly, sacrifices all, and calls us friends. The power of Jesus’ love fills us with joy and causes us to love him and one another, and love changes everything!

Use the following scriptures to prepare for next weekend’s worship:

Weekly Awakening Question: How is the intimacy of God’s abiding love seen in you?

May 12th – The Power of Worship and Witness. The Easter season concludes with the Ascension of Jesus. After several appearances to his disciples following his resurrection, he ascends to the presence of the Father, while promising to send the Holy Spirit to empower their ministry. The same Holy Spirit empowers our church today, and we respond with joyful worship and powerful witness.

Weekly Awakening: What specific opportunities for witnessing is God empowering in your life?