What is a Deaconess? Find out as we journey along with Deaconess Alex Shick, Director at Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries in Sanford, FL. This interview and others on our website were inspired by the LCMS Set Apart to Serve Initiative to recruit the next generation of church workers.

Alex, when did you first become aware of the Deaconess profession?
During my college internship at Concordia Ann Arbor, I met a Deaconess for the first time. I originally wanted to be a chaplain and work in Criminal Justice.
What led you to want to become a Deaconess?
My childhood church, (St. Mark’s in Muskegon, MI) took me in and loved me. My life would be very different if it wasn’t for the people of the church.
Did your parents guide you in your decision to become a Deaconess? If not, what did they say when you told them what you wanted to study?
No! They told me it will be hard to make money. Here I am and I want for nothing.

RLOM trains their moms in Conscious Discipline for knowledge, inspiration, and skills to self-regulate and create healthy relationships for generations. More information and free resources HERE!
Deaconess Alex recommends Stepping Stones and Safe Families for single, foster, and adoptive family support.
Blessings to you!