We thank God for answering our prayers in sending REV. SCOTT COERBER to St. Luke’s.
Please join us in welcoming Pastor Coerber and his family. Join us for his installation on
Saturday, January 4, 2025 at 2pm.
A time of reception will follow in Founders’ Hall.
“Following Jesus continues to be an incredible adventure! When I was 18, God changed my plans to His plans when He led me on a mission trip to Alaska and used that experience to bring me into full-time ministry. A member of my family has served Jesus in our church body since 1911, so it’s been a multi-generational adventure. I met the love of my life Teckla while at Concordia, Seward, and we are raising two amazing high schoolers. God has fulfilled my confirmation verse of Acts 1:9, about being witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the earth, and sent me around the country and world witnessing through words and actions. By overseeing Community Connections I look forward to helping you discover what adventure God has in store for you!” -Pastor Coerber