Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at St. Luke’s,
We are humbled and overjoyed that you have given us the opportunity to be a vicar and deaconess intern at St. Luke’s in Oviedo. We gratefully accept this invitation to serve you this coming year. It is a great honor and privilege to join your ministry for the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have only heard great things from those who are former members and vicars at St. Luke’s and look forward to meeting the members and the team that give your church such a good reputation. We have both earnestly prayed that God would open up an opportunity for us to learn all the skills necessary to serve His kingdom in a robust manner. From briefly researching your church and from our short talks with Pastor Arp and Pastor Culbertson we have learned a little about your wide breadth of outreach programs, and we look forward to getting involved with them as well.
Your passion for sharing the gospel in the Oviedo area is an encouragement to us as we prepare to dive into vicarage with you. We will be praying for all of you as we prepare to move this summer, and we ask that you keep us in your prayers as well. We will be praying for the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts to, “awaken hearts in every generation to the power of life in Christ.”
We would like to tell you a little bit about ourselves. Alyssa is from Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri and got her Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Concordia University Nebraska. She has done ministry in Tulsa, Oklahoma for five years as a youth director. She enjoys many different hobbies including thrifting, sewing, running, playing music. She used to be an avid rock climber and is hoping to check out the rock gyms in the Oviedo area. Rob is from Houston, Texas and did his undergraduate degree at Texas A&M University getting a bachelor’s degree in finance. Rob’s favorite sport is baseball, but he also loves watching and playing almost all sports year round. His favorite teams are the Aggies and the Astros as a native Houstonian. Together we are very outgoing and love making connections with people.
With all of our best wishes and excitement for the future, we look forward to seeing you very soon.
In Christ Jesus,
Rob and Alyssa Choate