Sunday, March 23  –  Journey of Repentance. Where does your day take you? Are you striving for the best, driving toward success, living your best life? It is easy to focus on the best and minimize or ignore your shortcomings. But the path that follows Jesus must include the pathway that leads to repentance, acknowledging our shortcomings, turning from them, and returning to our Father who longs to forgive.

Prepare for worship with these scriptures:



  • *Sanctuary: 8a (Traditional), 9:30a & 11a (Blended)
  • Founders’ Hall: 9:30a Generations, 11am Fuel (Contemporary) 
  • *Lutheran Haven: 9:30a (Traditional)


  • *Chapel 7pm (Traditional)

(*Communion:  Prepare for the Lord’s Supper)

Traveling or can’t get to worship?         WATCH Online


  • Be! Bible Study | 9:30a | Cafe
  • Men’s Huddle | 9:45a | Mtg Rm 4
  • Small Books Matter | 11a | Mtg Rooms 1 & 2

HOLY WEEK SERVICES | Join us for worship as we rediscover the love God has for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • *Maundy Thursday: 10a, 2p (Lutheran Haven), & 7p
  • Good Friday: *10a, 2p (Lutheran Haven), & 7p


  • *Sunrise: 6:30a
  • Traditional: 8a, 9:30a, 11a
  • Generations: 9:30a
  • FUEL: 11a
  • Lutheran Haven: 9:30a

BE! WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY | Sundays | 9:30a | Cafe | Join us for a special Lenten bible study.

SMALL BOOKS MATTER | Sundays | 11a | Mtg Rooms 1 & 2 | Join us for a bible study of the shortest books in the New Testament.


  • Coffee Fellowship | Sunday | 8:30-11am | Cafeteria
  • Church Library | Sunday | 9-11a | Founders’ Hall

Remember to wear your name tag!

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