We continue the Jesus Adventure with a voyage into the depths of God’s plan for us. We will plunge into the deep waters to be soaked by the Spirit as we explore a life that is overflowing with growth in our authentic relationships with God and others. We envision an entire community coming alive to the beauty of life with Christ. Worship gatherings, spiritual formation groups, and community connections will be used as the diving gear to encounter the power of life in Christ and encourage others to join.
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September 11 Awakening Hearts – On the road to Emmaus, the disciples did not recognize Jesus and they did not yet understand their calling. But their eyes were opened, and their hearts were awakened to a new life. God is revealing to each one of us how we are uniquely called to follow him in our daily lives. A mission statement serves as the compass to direct our ministry. In our new mission statement, Jesus calls awake our hearts, our physical, intellectual, and emotional core of who we are as his children. With our hearts focused on Christ, we are mobilized to fulfill our potential in the Kingdom of God.
- Psalm 119:169-176
- Isaiah 52:1-10
- Ephesians 1: 15-23
- Luke 24: 13-32
- Bible Study – Their eyes were opened!
September 25 To the Power of Life in Christ – Paul teaches that Christ has the power to transform our lives by the renewing of our minds. Our lives are not transformed for our own benefit, but to serve him. The birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return of Jesus gives us our identity, our purpose, and our eternal destination. It transforms all that we think, say, and do to bring joy and intentionality in our relationships and vocations. A mission statement serves as the compass to direct our ministry. In our new mission statement, we are reminded that we are released from our sin, and we are free to boldly live out our faith. God sees us through the righteousness of his Son and empowers us to see one another in the same way.
October 2 A Life of Freedom – Paul shares with the Romans that remembering our baptisms regularly is to remember that we have been buried with Christ in his death. And if we share in his death, we will also share in his resurrection! Our measures are the goals we strive for with the power of the Holy Spirit to become. As we live transformed lives of freedom, we remember our baptisms, remember we are set free from our sin, remember we are alive to God in Jesus Christ! Every time we see, hear, taste, touch, or smell water, remember we have been transformed to live a life of freedom!
October 9 A Life of Joy – Are you restless, driven by your schedule, or wake up tired? Will one more thing to do push you over the edge? Jesus reminds us that the Sabbath was not given to us by God as one more duty we need to fulfill. Rather, God has given us the Sabbath because it fills a need that we were created to desire. Rest. Our measures are the goals we strive for with the power of the Holy Spirit to become. As we live transformed lives of joy, Jesus reminds us that the Sabbath is a gift of rest, that allows us to be refreshed by our Savior and renewed to better live out our faith at home, at work, and in our neighborhood.
October 16 A Life of Sacrifice – Jesus taught that whenever we do something good for the least of the brothers or sisters, we not only do it for them, but it is like we are doing it to Jesus. But the opposite is also true, whenever we pass by an opportunity to help someone in need, we have missed the opportunity to serve Jesus. Our measures are the goals we strive for with the power of the Holy Spirit to become. As we live transformed lives of sacrifice, Jesus not only wants us to help others when it is convenient, but he wants us to surrender personal gain to build up the Kingdom of God.
October 23 – A Life of Renewal – Forgiveness is something that we eagerly seek from God, but how easy is it for us to forgive others? How easy is it to forgive our enemies? Jesus teaches us that we will be forgiven in the amount that we forgive others. Our measures are the goals we strive for with the power of the Holy Spirit to become. As we live transformed lives of renewal, Jesus wants our minds to be transformed by the power of life in Christ to not only be able to forgive others, but to earnestly seek to share the grace of God that has been so freely given to us.
November 6 Worship Gatherings – After Pentecost, the church was born! Their life together as followers of Jesus developed as they devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles, fellowship with one another, breaking of bread, prayer, and taking care of the needs of the vulnerable. The strategies we will use to accomplish our goals of discipleship will include worship gatherings. We are to gather together on a regular basis to be renewed in our faith and be drawn deeper into God’s grace. Our weekly gatherings will inspire faith-formed lives to be able to share with our community.
November 13 – Spiritual Formation Groups The writer of Hebrews encouraged them to gather with one another frequently for the purpose of stirring one another on to love and good works, and to share encouragement with one another. The strategies we will use to accomplish our goals of discipleship will include spiritual formation groups. These groups will be a place to be strengthened in our faith, grow in dynamic relationships, and empower one another to fully live as Christ’s followers.
November 20 Community Connections – Jesus taught that his followers are to host and care for those who are unable to repay you for your generosity. We are not to give so that we might receive favors in the future. We are to give because there is need. The strategies we will use to accomplish our goals of discipleship will include community connections. God calls us to love others and has uniquely created each person to serve his neighbor in a way no one else can. We will provide service opportunities as training for living out our callings so that the power of Christ is carried into our community.