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Would you like an email or call? Prayer request? Let us know more about you (and your family) or ask us a question!

God is at work in our communities, Awakening hearts in every generation to the power of life in Christ!

We strive to connect with our visitors, communicating a genuine welcome to everyone. Our philosophy toward visitors is simple: You are our guest. We don’t want to ignore you or overwhelm you. Don’t hesitate to ask an usher, greeter, pastor or any member if you have any questions. A staff member is always available in the church office to assist you. Please, introduce yourself to one of our Pastors or members and come back again to worship the Lord with us!

Traditional Worship

Traditional Worship

Sundays at 8, 9:30, & 11am in our beautiful Sanctuary & Monday 7pm in the historical stained-glass Chapel

Contemporary Worship

Contemporary Worship

Sunday in The Family Life Center, Founders' Hall, we hold two contemporary worship gatherings: 9:30am Generations for young families and 11am is our FUEL gathering

Want to learn more about St. Luke’s or need to get in touch with us? Find our contact information here.

History of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church has served the Oviedo community since 1912.  The church’s growth has, in many ways, mirrored the growth of the surrounding area. Here are some highlights from the church’s history:

1912: St. Luke the Evangelizer Church is founded and their first sanctuary is built.

1934: Pastor Stephen M. Tuhy was installed as the 1st full-time pastor.

1939: Dedication of the new red-brick structure built as St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, at a cost of $7,421.

1947: St. Luke’s Christian Day School opens.

1948: Dedication of the Lutheran Haven, built to care for orphaned children and the elderly.

1979: Dedication of Founders’ Hall Gymnasium.

1993: Dedication of new sanctuary and other renovations.

1998: Rev. Wally Arp installed in April.  Installed as Senior Pastor in 1999.

2000: Rev. E. J. Rossow retires.  Rev. Brian Roberts installed in April and Rev. Gary Schuschke installed in July.

2001: St. Luke’s Lutheran School building is completed and a new Lutheran Haven Early Childhood Center opens.

2007: The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Sanford, FL is commissioned as a “Partner in Ministry.” and we begin work with The Children of Love Foundation.

2016: Equipping the Saints initiative completes the new Family Life Center and additional gymnasium.

2019Pastor Tige Culbertson installed.

2022: Celebrating our school’s 75th Anniversary and the congregations 110th Anniversary.  Watch the video – A 75 year history of our school.
               Pastor Sam Shick ordained and installed on July 2, 2022.

2023: Rev. Dr. Tige Culbertson installed as Senior Pastor.

2024: Rev. Brian D. Roberts retires.

Watch more on the complete history of St. Luke’s as video here.

“Like a Mustard Seed – A Century of Faith”
Purchase this 300+ page history of our first 100 years
in the church office
View samples at Central Florida Memory