JOURNEY TO THE CROSSJourney of Repentance. Where does your day take you? Are you striving for the best, driving toward success, living your best life? It is easy to focus on the best and minimize or ignore your shortcomings. But the path that follows Jesus must include the pathway that leads to repentance, acknowledging our shortcomings, turning from them, and returning to our Father who longs to forgive.

Sunday Worship Information

HOLY WEEK | Join us for worship as we rediscover the love God has for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Maundy Thursday: 10a, 2p (Lutheran Haven), & 7p
  • Good Friday: 10a, 2p (Lutheran Haven), & 7p


  • Sunrise: 6:30a
  • Traditional: 8a, 9:30a, 11a
  • Generations: 9:30a
  • Fuel: 11a
  • Lutheran Haven: 9:30a

BLOOD DRIVE | Sunday, March 23rd | 8:15a-1:15p | The Big Red Bus is coming! Register now or visit

AFTERNOON DIVINE SERVICE | Thursday, March 27th | 1:30p | Chapel | This service allows participants to remain in their seats, offers communion, and is followed by light refreshments. Join us!

ORLANDO CONCERT BAND | Friday, April 4th | 7p | Open Dress Rehearsal: Thursday, April 3rd at 7p | Sanctuary | Come celebrate “Musical Nationalism–sharing our musical identities”! We will feature the music of Franz Strauss, Jean Sibelius, Gioachino Rossini, Morton Gould, and others. All concerts are free!

MEN OF ST. LUKE’S STEAK NIGHT | Saturday, April 5th | Starts: 5:30p | Register Today! Bring your own steak, side, chips, and snack. Don’t forget your camping chair and your drinks!

ACTS OF HOPE | Spill Wine Bar | Thursday, April 10th | 6:30-9:30p | Together we can make a change! Enjoy music, food, and fellowship while helping us raise money to assist those in need. Any amount makes a difference!

FAMILY EASTER PARTY | Sunday, April 13th | 10:30a-Noon | Mtg. Rooms 1 & 2 | He is Risen! Let’s Celebrate! We will create colourful door hangers to share with neighbors and friends as an invitation to our Easter Services!

THANK YOU FROM PASTOR ARP Words cannot express all the feelings Lois and I experienced in our retirement celebration on March 2nd. Thank you to all! I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams to serve at St. Luke’s. You all helped shape and mold me into the pastor I became over the years. We are still processing all the gifts and cards you shared with us and it is overwhelming to read your words and remember so many moments of God’s grace in our lives together in Christ. Thank you! 

NAME TAGS Get your name tag today and wear it every Sunday! On Sunday, March 30th new members will be welcomed. Greet these new members by introducing yourself and wearing your name tag. Need a nametag? Request one at the front desk or email

BE! WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY | Sundays (ends April 20th) | 9:30a | Cafe | We invite you to join us for a special Lenten study. As we prepare our hearts for the Resurrection of our Savior, we’ll be diving into God’s Word to find strength and guidance for our daily struggles. This study is an opportunity to deepen your faith and reflect on the ways scripture helps us navigate life’s challenges.

SMALL BOOKS MATTER | Sundays (Ends April 13th) | 11a | Mtg Rooms 1 & 2 | Larger books like Genesis, John or Galatians often bask in churches’ Bible-study limelight. Small books matter too! Join us for a 6-week bible study of the shortest books in the New Testament and discover how these small books also pack quite a bit of the Gospel message. Invite a friend!

VBS 2025: TRUE NORTH! | Space is Limited. Invite friends and neighbors! We are so excited to have a wild adventure diving into fun with friends, snacks, games, songs, and most importantly time with Jesus. Learn more & register HERE!!

MARRIAGE RETREAT 2025 | November 6th-9th, 2025 | MSC Seashore, Port Canaveral | Deposit: $198 (couple) | Cruise into each other’s hearts! Prepare yourself for a truly unforgettable experience to reconnect with your spouse and strengthen your relationship even further. Email to book your cabin today! Reservation along with deposit required by April 15th (final payment: July 28th). Cost (includes taxes, port fees, and gratuities): $671.28/couple (Interior room); $791.28/couple (Ocean view room); $911.28/couple (Balcony room).

MISSING OUR EMAILS? You can now subscribe individually to receive our emails (Manage HERE). If you have unsubscribed in the past, login to see if you have opted out from all emails. Login at and look under Communications\Subscriptions. 

Weekly Event Calendar



  • Jerry B., Theresa B., Debi F., Nancy H., Lorraine K., Marlene M., Jeanne S., Elizabeth S., Jim S., Ruth V., Ericka W., Paul W., Barb Z.


Week 35         Weekly           Year-To-Date
Budget            54,600               2,368,136
Actual             57,407               2,128,403