RENEW ME O ETERNAL LIGHT: Be Merciful. When the eternal light of Jesus renews your outlook on life, your worldview changes radically. No longer is life a competition to be won by your cleverness and careful accounting of who owes you and how you can collect it. Jesus declares: “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” Illumined by God’s grace we will never run out of his mercy poured into us to be poured on those around us. 

RETIREMENT CELEBRATION | Sunday, March 2nd | noon | Join us to celebrate the ministry of Pastor Arp as he retires! We will meet in the Sanctuary at noon and then gather in the Gym for lunch. Thank you cards available in the church office.

IT’S GIRL SCOUT SEASON! | Sunday, February 23rd | Location: All doors in the church | The St. Luke’s Girl Scouts will be visiting us on Sunday to hand-deliver your cookies. Cookies will also be available for purchase if you did not pre-order.

AFTERNOON DIVINE SERVICE | Thursday, February 27th | 1:30p | Chapel | This service allows participants to remain in their seats, offers communion, and is followed by light refreshments. Join us!

BE! WOMEN’S GLASS FUSING EVENT | Saturday, March 1st | 10a-noon | Mtg Room 1&2 | $35 | Glass fusing is coming to St. Luke’s again & we’ll be making light catchers! Registration will be capped at 30 so Register Today! 

ASH WEDNESDAY 2PM WORSHIP | Lutheran Haven, Harbor Building (Click HERE for location) | If you find it difficult to drive at night, we invite you to attend the Ash Wednesday service at the Lutheran Haven. We’d love to see you there.

ASH WEDNESDAY DINNER | Wednesday, March 5th | 5-7p | Founders’ Hall | The LWML is cooking dinner for you! Beef Stroganoff, green beans, salad, rolls, butter noodles for the kiddos and assorted desserts will be served. Join us for a time of fellowship and make a donation to assist LWML projects around the world. Click here to learn more about LWML!

ACTS OF HOPE | Spill Wine Bar | Thursday, March 6th | 6:30p-9:30p | Together we can make a change! Enjoy music, food, and fellowship while helping us raise money to assist those in need. Any amount makes a difference!

MSY: CONSTRUCTION NIGHT Friday, March 7th | Time & Location: 7p-9p | Gym | Get your building skills and creativity ready to go! We will have Bible study, construction competitions, snacks and so much more.

SMALL BOOKS MATTER | March 9-April 13 | 10:45a | Larger books like Genesis, John or Galatians often bask in churches’ Bible-study limelight. Small books matter too! Join us for a 6-week bible study of the shortest books in the New Testament and discover how these small books also pack quite a bit of the Gospel message. Bring a friend!

VETERANS OF THE CROSS GATHERING | March 10th-12th | St. Stephen Retreat Center -Titusville | “He Restores My Soul” Retired lay and rostered workers who have served in LCMS | Join us as Dr. Dale A. Meyer, former Lutheran Hour Speaker and St. Louis Seminary President is the keynote speaker. Fellowship, singing, and flocking together to enjoy a new look at Psalm 23.  Brochures are in the church office. Questions? Contact Ruth Wiedenmann at

THE WALK FOR LIFE | Saturday, March 29th | A fun and easy way to BE Pro-Life and to make a real difference in the lives of women facing unplanned pregnancies. This year, we will have the opportunity to walk for all the generations impacted by the brave choice for LIFE. Learn more at

ANNUAL REPORT 2024 What God accomplished at St. Luke’s in the year 2024 is truly amazing! Click HERE to read up on our Annual Report that shows many examples of the Lord working in our midst.

ARE YOU AT LEAST 72 YEARS OLD? Did you know that you can donate your retirement account’s Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) if you do not wish to take it as taxable income? It’s easy to do. To find out more, contact our Stewardship Director, Doug Taylor, at or 407-365-3408. 

SAMARITAN RESOURCE CENTER Through outreach we can help those in our community! Help stock SRC with the resources they need to help the homeless. DONATE an item from their Amazon Wish List TODAY! 

ST. LUKE’S CHEMO CADDY MINISTRY St. Luke’s Chemo Caddie Ministry has merged with Phil’s Friends to provide Care Packages to those affected by cancer. Cancer is Strong. Hope is stronger. Remind someone with cancer they are not alone. To request a care package click HERE or contact

NAME TAGS Do you have your St. Luke’s member name tag? Please do your best to wear it every Sunday! If you don’t have one, please email and we’ll get one ordered for you.

MISSING OUR EMAILS? You can now subscribe individually to receive our emails (Manage HERE). If you have unsubscribed in the past, login to see if you have opted out from all emails. Login at and look under Communications\Subscriptions. 

Weekly Event Calendar



  • Jeff D., Vilma H., Betty S., Barb Z. 


  • Thanksgiving for the birth of Serena Violet L.-Z. daughter of Johnna and granddaughter of Martin and Mary Z.


Adopt-a-Student Scholarship Fund:

  • In Memory of Claudette K. given by Mrs. JoAnn G.

St. Luke’s Benevolence Fund:

  • In Memory of Dr. Edwin Earl O. given by Jacquiana V.
  • In Memory of Dr. Edwin Earl O. given by Rosalie M.

St. Luke’s Church Memorial Fund:

  • In Memory of Jasmine P. given by Sherry M.

St. Luke’s Organ Fund:

  • In Memory of Florence S. given by Rich & Terry S.
  • In Memory of Virginia P. given by Doug & Paula D.
  • In Memory of Tom Z. given by Kathleen Z.

St. Luke’s Cemetery Fund:

  • In Memory of Louise & Walter D. given by Martha A.
  • In Memory of Marie H. given by Martha A.

St. Lukes Offering Fund:

  • In Memory of Anna V. given by Ruth W.


Week 32         Weekly           Year-To-Date

Budget          55,840               2,147,256

Actual          41,045               1,883,715