St. Luke’s Lutheran Church is on the Jesus Adventure. Our goal is to articulate a clear path to discipleship. To teach what it means to be a disciple and what it looks like to follow Jesus in our very rapidly and radically changing culture. Fewer and fewer Americans see Christianity as a valuable and relevant way of life. Spirituality is tolerated as long as it is kept private.  This small group study, based on the Jesus Adventure teaching, is intended to help you navigate this changing landscape with the support and encouragement of your fellow followers. It’s our prayer that the Jesus Adventure pattern: Called → Equipped → Sent → and Restored will become an intentional method for you and your group to think about in your life.

You are now able to sign-up for a Catalyst Small Group online!

PLEASE NOTE Only the following small groups still have available space: Cotton,  Fairchild, Fitzsimons, Hampton, Jackson, Kotnour, and Lehenbauer.