One hundred and seven years ago a group of people set out on an incredible adventure to live as followers of Jesus in a strange, rugged, and undeveloped place called Oviedo Florida. The base camp for their new life was St. Luke’s Lutheran Church. 

Today we continue their journey in a rapidly changing cultural landscape. The terrain around us is shifting and fewer and fewer people are looking to church as a reliable place to receive support, encouragement, and direction to navigate the uncharted territory of 21st century America. 

The adventure continues. Our lives are integral parts of God’s work to bring meaning and purpose to our families, our coworkers, and our neighbors. This is the Jesus Adventure. Join us every Sunday to get rested and re-supplied for the week of adventure ahead!

Called by Jesus

January, 13 2019 – Jesus came proclaiming, now is the time, the kingdom of God is here, repent and believe the gospel. The Jesus Adventure is called Discipleship and it begins with Jesus, who calls us to follow him. The call of Jesus is unlike any other experience in life. It is stepping over into a new reality that radically transforms the way we approach life in every dimension. Jesus’ call is to a lifelong journey of following him in the way of the cross, trusting that every experience, good and bad, that comes our way is in his capable hands, shaping us into the people he created us to be.

Called to Follow

January 20, 2019 – Called by Jesus to follow him is the Jesus Adventure. It begins with the simple question, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter had no idea what his answer, “You are the Christ,” actually meant. We must learn and relearn and then learn again that following Jesus is a journey to the cross and the empty tomb. Only there do we find the creative energy to live in this confused and often complicated world. Forgiveness is the lens by which we see others. New life for all is the hope we shout by the way we now live as followers of Jesus.

Equipped by Jesus

January 27, 2019 – We say in the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in the Holy Spirit”. When Martin Luther asked, “What does this mean?” he wrote, “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the one true faith.” So far in our series, The Jesus Adventure we’ve learned that we are called by Jesus to follow him. Today we discover how that following is made possible. Not only does Jesus call us to follow, he equips us too. By the work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus continually renews our desire and our ability to follow him.

Equipped for Ministry

February 3, 2019 – Here is where the discipleship rubber hits the road. We are called and equipped to minister, that is, to serve one another. This has always been tricky for us as followers of Jesus. It is remarkably easy for us when we start to serve others, to focus on what we are doing. We start to measure ourselves on the quantity and quality of our performance. So we live in a tension of needing to be reminded to serve, while at the same time, not obsessing over whether we’ve done enough. Equipped to minister happens when we are so full of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, that we live outwardly focused lives without self focused motivation.

Sent by Jesus

February 10, 2019 – We are called and equipped for a purpose. Jesus sends us into the world to proclaim Peace! – shalom – complete human flourishing. But Jesus pulls no punches, he doesn’t sugar coat the sending. The Jesus Adventure has its share of excitement and danger. Therefore, don’t try and do it alone; remember who sent you; don’t get distracted; be genuinely curious about the people you meet, and leave the judging to God.

Sent to the World

February 17, 2019 – The world is an incredible, frightening place. God so loved the world that he sent his only Son, Jesus, into the world so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). He is fascinated by, and passionate for, every individual person in the world. And so we are sent to show and tell the world the incredible Good News. That real life is waiting for them through faith in Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and coming again in glory. But some doubted (Matthew 28:17). The Jesus Adventure begins with his authority over heaven and earth and ends with the promise of his unending presence.

Restored by Jesus

February 24, 2019 – Every one of Jesus’ first disciples failed to follow him in his darkest hour. Peter stands out as the over confident, self confident example of what happened to them all. Swearing that he would never leave Jesus even if he must die with him, Peter under pressure denies that he even knows who Jesus is. It will happen to all of us in subtle and spectacular ways on the Jesus Adventure. We’ll find ourselves in situations where it’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, and even dangerous to be associated with Jesus. And “what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do” (Romans 7:15). Thanks be to God Jesus never gave up on his first disciples and he never gives up on us. Daily Jesus restores us by forgiving our failures and renewing our mission to care for those around us.

Continue The Jesus Adventure with us as we begin, Worship FULL Followers.