June 9th – 13th, 9am – noon

Students entering Kindergarten through 5th grades are invited for a fun faith-filled week at Vacation Bible School 2025! Our theme is TRUE NORTH: Trusting God in a Wild World! 

Guide kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!

The cost is $20 for the whole week from 9am-12pm each day and that includes a t-shirt, daily snacks, and all activities.  Scholarships are available, contact vbs@sllcs.org. It is one of the BEST weeks ever! We also offer afternoon on-campus camp offerings, learn more HERE.


VBS Closing will take place at 9:30 am on Sunday, June 15th in Founders’ Hall

Middle School VBS

June 16th-20th, 9am – noon

Students entering 6th-8th Grade are invited for an absolutely amazing week of Vacation Bible School geared for MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS!  It is the most amazing week ever with adventureful activities geared for middle schoolers with the same amazing Biblical content that our K-5 students enjoy! We have live music, amazing speakers, yummy snacks, in depth small group discussions, water day (everyone loves water day) and so much more. 

The cost is $35 for the whole week from 9am to 12p and that includes a t-shirt, daily snacks and all activities. It is one of the BEST weeks ever!! Scholarships are available, contact vbs@sllcs.org. We also offer afternoon on-campus camp offerings, learn more HERE


If you are interested in volunteering for VBS, please select that option on the registration page. Thank you! 

This year our VBS Offering will go to Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits!

Cleanliness may not actually be next to godliness, but it certainly helps a person feel more human. When families find their homes destroyed, or must flee for their safety, soap and a towel rarely make the cut for what they can carry. Arriving in a refugee camp or other place of safety, they are scared, vulnerable and dirty from the travel. The simple items included in a Personal Care Kit provide much-needed self care, critical germ fighting supplies and the chance for our neighbors in need to regain dignity amidst fear and uncertainty.

K-5 Families, if you are financially able to, please help your child purchase the items for 1 Personal Care Kit (1 bath towel, 2 soap bars, 1 comb, 1 toothbrush, & 1 nail clipper) and place in the Offering Basket during VBS week. Offering Baskets are located in the Sanctuary where the Morning Welcome & Closing sessions are held.

Middle School VBS students will assemble the kits.

Thank you!