DEEPER INTO THE ABUNDANT LIFE Deeper Renewal: Renewed Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is the world put right, right here and right now, by faith in Christ, until he comes again to make the change permanent. When Jesus comes again, His Kingdom will be beyond imagination. The former things of mourning, crying, and pain will be no more!  Life in heaven brings us encouragement for the difficulties we face now. We don’t need to wait for the return of Jesus to enjoy the Kingdom of God. He’s at work today renewing His Kingdom, and He longs to use you to accomplish it! 

Sunday Worship Information

SPECIAL VOTERS’ MEETING Sunday, September 15th | 12:15pm | Join us for a special voters’ meeting to call a DCE. Our call committee has selected a candidate to present to the congregation in order to call them to our ministry. Pray the Lord provides us with an individual who will work with us in sharing the Gospel and awaken hearts to the message of Christ.

BRASS BAND OF CENTRAL FLORIDA CONCERTS Friday, Sept 13th at 7p & Saturday, Sept 14th at 2p | We’re opening our 2024-25 season with TWO PERFORMANCES from The Brass Band of Central Florida! All concerts are FREE and OPEN to the public. Join us and bring your family and friends!

CREATING AN EAGERNESS TO PRAY EVENT Thursday, September 12th | 7-8pm | Cafe | Join us for this one-night prayer event & learn about a powerful prayer journaling tool designed to strengthen and transform your prayer life. You’ll be encouraged and inspired to go before the Lord who invites each of us into a relationship with Him. Bring a friend!

BE! WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY | Sundays at 9:30am | Cafe | Join us as we delve into the book of 1 Peter. As we study this brief letter, we will learn about the important job we have while we await God’s promised perfect kingdom.

IN PURSUIT OF PAUL | Sundays, 11am | Chapel | Join Pastor Arp as we journey with host Con Campbell as he uncovers Paul’s remarkable life and his voyages from Jerusalem across the Mediterranean world to Rome, where he was martyred. Access the video series entitled In Pursuit of Paul” on RightNow Media (Sign-Up HERE or text STLUKESLC to 49775)

BOOTS, BOWTIES, & BLING GALA Saturday, October 19th | Heathrow Country Club | Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries help moms build new lives for their families. Table & Corporate Sponsorships available!

LUTHERANS FOR LIFE 1-DAY CONFERENCE Join fellow life-minded Lutherans celebrating life and equipping ourselves on life issues during the LFL Regional Conference Southeast at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winter Garden on Saturday, Nov 9th. This one-day in-person conference features four national life-affirming, Gospel-motivated speakers, as well as fellowship, lunch, and a service opportunity. Limited childcare is available. Come and learn how the Lord calls us to follow Him and be “Life in the Darkness.” Click for details and registration! 

EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS We’ve updated our email subscriptions so you can now subscribe individually to receive them on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday or Friday! If you have unsubscribed from an email address in the past, you may want to login to see if you have opted out from all our emails! Login at and look under Communications – Subscriptions. Or Manage your subscriptions here.

Sunday Worship info available at 

Weekly Event Calendar



  • Betty B., Rick B., Jane B., Bill C., Ed D., Betty F., Rev. Robert K., Judith W.


  • Kim T. and family at the death of her dad, Kenneth W.
  • The family & friends of Carol Y. at her death.


  • The wedding of Elizabeth R. and Isaac A.
  • Blessings for those who are struggling financially. 
  • Praise for the blessings of our Concert Series, which starts a new season next week.
  • Prayers of Thanksgiving for the birth of Audrey E., daughter of Aaron and Amy R., granddaughter of Jeff and Shirley S.
  • High school shooting in Georgia and Comfort Dog Moriah going there to assist


Week 7                  Weekly       Year-To-Date
Budget                    52,645            348,059

Actual                      45,155              350,471