RegistrationsJOURNEY TO THE CROSS: Journey to Rebellion. The United States was born out of rebellion. Rebellion is in our DNA, but not because of the Boston Tea Party. It is a part of our lives because of the fall. It is our very nature to rebel. Our lifetime of rebellion did not keep Jesus from his Journey to the Cross, it fortified his desire to forgive and restore. Today, Jesus points to his triumphant return to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
THANK YOU FROM PASTOR ARP Words cannot express all the feelings Lois and I experienced in our retirement celebration on March 2nd. Thank you to all! I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams to serve at St. Luke’s. You all helped shape and mold me into the pastor I became over the years. We are still processing all the gifts and cards you shared with us and it is overwhelming to read your words and remember so many moments of God’s grace in our lives together in Christ. Thank you!
113 YEARS OLD! On Monday, March 17th, our congregation turns 113! To celebrate, we are offering a special price of just $20 for “Like A Mustard Seed: A Century of Faith“. This 320-page book offers a complete illustrated history of the Lord’s work through St. Luke the Evangelizer Lutheran Church for 100 years. Pick up your copy this Sunday by stopping by the church front office!
ORLANDO PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA | Friday, March 21st | 7p | Sanctuary | Enjoy a night of Schumann’s Fourth Symphony along with material and inspiration that harkens to an era long before its time. All concerts are free! To watch online visit
BLOOD DRIVE | Sunday, March 23rd | 8:15am – 1:15pm | The Big Red Bus is coming! Register now or visit
AFTERNOON DIVINE SERVICE | Thursday, March 27th | 1:30p | Chapel | This service allows participants to remain in their seats, offers communion, and is followed by light refreshments. Join us!
MEN OF ST. LUKE’S STEAK NIGHT | Saturday, April 5th | Starts: 5:30p | Register Today! Bring your own steak, side, chips, and snack. Don’t forget your camping chair and your drinks!
VBS 2025 You are invited to True North VBS at St. Luke’s! We are so excited to have wild adventure diving into fun with friends, snacks, games, songs, and most importantly time with Jesus! We can’t wait for your family to be a part of it! Invite your friends and neighbors soon, space is limited. Learn more & register HERE!!
FAMILY EASTER PARTY | Sunday, April 13th | 10:30am – noon | Mtg. Rooms 1 & 2 | He is Risen! Let’s Celebrate! Create a colourful door hanger with your family and then present it to a friend as an invitation for them to attend our Easter Services.
NAME TAGS Get your name tag today and wear it every Sunday! On Sunday, March 30th new members will be welcomed. Greet these new members by introducing yourself and wearing your name tag. Request one today at the front desk or email
SMALL BOOKS MATTER | Sundays (Ends April 13th) | 11a | Mtg Rooms 1 & 2 | Larger books like Genesis, John or Galatians often bask in churches’ Bible-study limelight. Small books matter too! Join us for a 6-week bible study of the shortest books in the New Testament and discover how these small books also pack quite a bit of the Gospel message. Invite a friend!
MARRIAGE RETREAT 2025 | November 6th-9th, 2025 | MSC Seashore, Port Canaveral | Deposit: $198 (couple) | Cruise into each other’s hearts! Prepare yourself for a truly unforgettable experience to reconnect with your spouse and strengthen your relationship even further. Email to book your cabin today! Reservation along with deposit required by April 15th (final payment: July 28th). Cost (includes taxes, port fees, and gratuities): $671.28/couple (Interior room); $791.28/couple (Ocean view room); $911.28/couple (Balcony room).
ST. LUKE’S CHEMO CADDY MINISTRY St. Luke’s Chemo Caddie Ministry has merged with Phil’s Friends to provide Care Packages to those affected by cancer. Cancer is Strong. Hope is stronger. Remind someone with cancer they are not alone. To request a care package click HERE. To learn more contact
COMFORT DOG MINISTRY Be a part of our Comfort Dog ministry by becoming a Handler!! We need two more Handlers who can work with Moriah at least one day/week. You will need to attend a 3 day training session in Illinois. To learn more contact Greg Register at or (407) 314-3142.
MISSING OUR EMAILS? You can now subscribe individually to receive our emails (Manage HERE). If you have unsubscribed in the past, login to see if you have opted out from all emails. Login at and look under Communications\Subscriptions.

- Wyatt B., Nancy H., Lorraine K., David P., Tootsie P., Betty S., Betty T., Bill T.
- Jay M. and family at the death of his brother, Howard M., Jr.
- Lord, You call us to pray the Lord of the harvest to send out workers to tell the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people that they may have eternal salvation. Stir us up to encourage those in our congregation to consider joining the work through full-time church work. Cause us to be encouragers and instruments through whom many are raised up to tell the next generation about salvation in Your death and resurrection.
Week 35 Weekly Year-To-Date
Budget 54,600 2,368,136
Actual 57,407 2,128,403